AGOP is authorized to practice the profession of private detective by the Republic and Canton of Geneva. This authorization is granted in accordance with the law on intermediary agents, dated May 20, 1950 (LAInt; RSG I 2 12), and its implementing regulations, drawn up on October 31, 1950 (RAInt; RSG | 2 12.01).
- Company ID (IDE): CHE-296.491.930
- Federal reference number: CH-660.0.560.024-0
The publication director, Laurent Calvayrac, can be contacted at detective[@] or by telephone at +41 (0)79 600 01 02. For postal correspondence, please use the following address:
Cours des Bastions 13
1205 Genève,
The website is the property of AGOP.
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Information technology and civil liberties
The data collected by AGOP is processed electronically to ensure the smooth operation of this site and your customer account. In accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting AGOP ... Geneva, Switzerland or by e-mail: detective[at]
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Any unauthorized use of the site or its contents, or of the information disclosed therein, will incur the user's liability and constitute an infringement punishable under the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Databases are also protected by the provisions of the French law of July 1, 1998, which transposed the European Directive of March 11, 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the French Intellectual Property Code. As such, any reproduction or extraction will incur the user's liability.
Terms of use
Every precaution has been taken to ensure the reliability of the information and secure access to our site. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information published on this site. This site may therefore contain inaccurate information. AGOP reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to make improvements or changes to this site and its associated functionalities.
Furthermore, the creation of hypertext links to the site shall not be a cause of liability for AGOP.
AGOP reserves the right to take legal action against any person linked to fraudulent use of its site.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
Any dispute arising in connection with the use of the AGOP website is subject to Swiss law. Exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of the city of Geneva.